
Favourite bands: Pearl Jam, Lissie, Garbage, Gang of Youths, The Cardigans, Wolf Alice, Jade Bird, the Backstreet Boys and all the bedroom pop.

I’m Liv, a Brazilian who’s been living in London for just over a decade now after a year (ish) in Germany and a stunt in the USA. Here I work as Head of at an independent music publisher and run our label.


I moved to London mainly for the music, starting with doing a BA in Music Business and worked in several areas of the industry: label and artist marketing & PR, artist management, distribution, publishing and licensing.

Throughout the years and experiences I had the chance to meet all kinds of people either working in the area or trying to get in somehow, whether as an executive, a roadie, an artist. Many artists. Many talented artists who had no help, no business experience nor the knowledge to get their foot in the door.

Here I hope to offer tips and advices for these artists and news about the music industry and its latest trends and developments for those who like to keep up (and know how important that is in music + tech. I mean, talk about fast-paced environment!). Not only that, but I’m also throwing in lots of random ramblings about pop culture in general and suggestions on all the cool (by my standards, so who knows what that means!) entertainment stuff that can be found around the web.

If you stumbled upon this in search of more music business news, I’ve also got a blog on Digital Copyright that was done as part of a university assignment but was, sadly, abandoned because…so little time, so much to do. But there’s some good info in there for you to get started.

Thoughts, tips, questions and suggestions are very welcome and you can hit me up right here:

*DISCLAIMER: just so you know, I don’t really collect/store data and, if you get in touch here or follow my often neglected blog, rest assured I won’t be passing your details on to anybody.